Across The Pond Veterans Park Mission
To honor all members of the military, past and present, providing opportunities, resources and a location for education, socialization and rehabilitation, with the purpose to guide and prepare for the future.
The opportunity is here! Sponsor your own campsite – a $1,500 donation will include your name on the numbered sign, a 6′ walk-through picnic table, and a campfire ring with swivel grate. The campsites are secluded in a lovely wooded area; no water or electricity.

It takes a community to build a park.
Due to the generous donations of time and materials from the following, the first and largest of the settling ponds necessary to continue construction at the Across The Pond Veterans Park was formed in July 2024:
31 members of the National Guard
Keith Olson (Olson Brothers) disposal of stumps, brush and sand.
Jerad Hecimovich logged off the property
Russ Heule, Dairyland Fence, storage of the necessary drainage pipe for this project
Chuck Jerome (Jerome Construction), Drummond, placing manholes and covers for drainage pipe
Mike and Tony Santikko, (compost) wood chips required for the pond.
Tom Polkoski (Iron River Septic) supplied the extra portable johns for the soldiers
Liquor in the Woods, lunch for the soldiers
VFW Post 10197 for farewell lunch for all military personnel
The second settling pond was completed by Northern Clearing of Superior, with Superior Landscaping putting down a total of 4,200 square yards of erosion mat over seeds at both ponds.
It's impossible to mention all the donations that have been made from this community to complete these ponds, so imperative to opening the Park to the public. Thank you to all those local residents who stuck with us and believed enough to keep the dreams going. We call and you come.